Why It’s Important to Track Your Fitness Gains

Why It’s Important to Track Your Fitness Gains

While you might be a dedicated fitness buff who ensures you get in a combination of cardio and strength workouts daily (perhaps you enjoy one rest day per week), you might sometimes feel you’re just wasting your time. But if you’re putting in the effort, watching your diet, and even investing in the services of a licensed personal trainer, wasting your time is likely the farthest thing from the truth.

The problem is different from your training routine. Instead, the problem is that you’re not tracking your progress correctly. By monitoring your training and fitness gains, you not only realize how much better you look and feel physically before beginning a training routine, but you also recognize your renewed confidence in yourself, no matter what your age.

According to a recent article by NIFS for Fitness, everyone is engaged in their fitness journey. With life being so hectic between job, family, and the time you spend on your smartphone, it’s easy to lose track of precisely where you stand in your fitness journey. While some people like to track every detail, from muscle mass growth to the time it takes to run a mile to the meals and calories consumed, others go by how good they feel.

But experts agree that with fitness industry tech constantly changing, tracking your progress has become more accessible. Interested in learning how much you’ve improved your fat/muscle ratio?

There’s an app for that.

Apps like these can also add specific benefits to your success moving forward.

The Benefits of Tracking and Logging Your Gains

If you usually track your progress and gains, you might believe you don’t need further convincing of its benefits. But for those who typically don’t follow their progress, these are just some reasons you’ll want to start.

--You’re more likely to reach and even surpass your goals.

--You will be more efficient with your workouts and time management.

--You will be more accountable to your physical and emotional self and overall goals.

--You will more easily modify your workouts and identify where specific changes need to be made.

--You will be more motivated when you see the progress and the gains you are making.

--You will be more focused on the direction of your workout plan.

--Most importantly, you will remain more committed to your workout plan.

There are many ways to track your fitness goals, such as:

Journaling or Documentation - write down your fitness progress, workouts (sets, reps, and weight), nutritional intake, weight loss, etc.

Fitness Tracking Apps/Technology - fitness apps and watches are excellent choices.

Taking Measurements - Take measurements of your arms, waist, hips, and thighs to show a change in composition.

Taking Photos - taking photos from the front, side, and back at the same time weekly or monthly in the same clothing.

The Way Your Clothing Fits - trying on a favorite pair of jeans or an outfit is an excellent indicator of your progress.

A Friend or Personal Trainer - having trust or confidence in a friend or personal trainer who will hold you accountable.

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